Recent content by Tungstennedge

  1. Announcement SV OU Suspect Process, Round 1 - Voter Identification Thread

    Confirming as OUDJ Tungstennedge :jirachi: edit: confirmed!
  2. SM OU A Braindead HO I used to get to 1900

    @ Karl Abdul I completely agree with just about everything you said. When I said Thundurus is expendable, I guess I would also have to mention that when "expending it" it often takes down a lot with it which is doing being quite useful. Also yes, serp is loss on team preview, but that's the...
  3. SM OU A Braindead HO I used to get to 1900

    Ok, I been busy for a while and just saw these replies, and while I haven't had time to try any of the suggestions given yet, I can say how I deal with some of the matchups you guys have encountered. Mega scizor While this seems like a big threat, in reality, this team can deal with it ok...
  4. SM OU A Braindead HO I used to get to 1900

    my account tungstenedge is at rank 77 right now.
  5. SM OU A Braindead HO I used to get to 1900

    Introduction So I don't play mons seriously, but I like being higher on the ladder, 1700+ since up there its more fun since people play somewhat more logically, and this is the team I like to get to those elo's after I inevitably lose all my point when not using this team. It has a few glaring...