Recent content by Stuhr

  1. VGC 2014 Pokebank Exclusive Help Thread

    it is back up and i will also check it periodically tonight(next 3 hours) and in the morning (9 hours from now) sorry mine is causing so much trouble lol
  2. VGC 2014 Pokebank Exclusive Help Thread

    Lol sorry thats about 5 hours from nowIits 5pm here
  3. VGC 2014 Pokebank Exclusive Help Thread

    Damn someone must have sniped it again, its happened like 4 times already, I close at work so ill put up another around 10pm tonight
  4. VGC 2014 Pokebank Exclusive Help Thread

    Your Username: Stuhr Your IGN:Stuhr What you need: Dark Void Smeargle What VGC Regional you are attending: Fl thank you so much EDIT: i have had to deposit so many luvdisks, so many people keep giving me their smeargles with nothing :-(
  5. hey man its Stuhr, just joined finally, pm me if you want to try out some VGC doubles!!

    hey man its Stuhr, just joined finally, pm me if you want to try out some VGC doubles!!