Recent content by ShinyLucarioXD

  1. ShinyLucarioXD

    CAP 34 - Art Poll 3

  2. ShinyLucarioXD

    CAP34 - Part 7 - Stat Spread Poll 2

    Brambane Da Pizza Man Agile Turtle
  3. ShinyLucarioXD

    CAP34 - Part 7 - Stat Spread Poll 1

    mark6870 Brambane Tunana MrDollSteak Da Pizza Man Agile Turtle
  4. ShinyLucarioXD

    Thank you

    Thank you
  5. ShinyLucarioXD

    CAP 34 - Part 2 - Typing Poll 2

    Fighting/Electric Dragon/Poison Psychic/Fighting
  6. ShinyLucarioXD

    CAP 34 - Part 2 - Typing Poll 1

    Water/Electric Water/Poison Fighting/Electric
  7. ShinyLucarioXD

    SV OU Peaked #1 (2041 ELO) – Not Hydrapple Stall

    I was reading this, made it halfway through, said, "I can't be bothered to read further", and closed the tab. Then I opened Showdown, and the first game I loaded into was against this team, and I said, "You know what, let me just reopen that pokepaste real quick". I have absolutely no honour...
  8. ShinyLucarioXD

    CAP 33 - Part 15 - Flavor Ability Discussion

    I'd like to provide an alternative view of an ability and suggest Torrent. It probably wouldn't be the most useful of abilities, but it would be interesting to see if something like that could work on such a Pokémon. Maybe Cresceidon could do some substitute + berry shenanigans? I don't know...
  9. ShinyLucarioXD

    CAP 33 - Part 13 - Shiny Palette Poll 1

    Falchion DrifblooomCF Uninteleon Chillie
  10. ShinyLucarioXD

    CAP 33 - Part 3 - Primary Ability Poll 1

    Pressure Multiscale Filter
  11. ShinyLucarioXD

    CAP 33 - Part 2 - Typing Poll 2

    Dark/Poison Grass/Steel Water/Fairy
  12. ShinyLucarioXD

    CAP 33 - Part 2 - Typing Poll 1

    Dark/Poison Dragon/Poison Water/Fairy
  13. ShinyLucarioXD

    Metagame SV OU Metagame Discussion v2 [Update on Post #5186]

    I wanted to take some time to formalise my thoughts and make a genuine analysis of my responses to the tiering survey. So far, Generation 9 OU has been my most successful tier, and I have been having a lot of fun playing with all the new Pokémon. Whilst the tier is not perfect, I do believe it...
  14. ShinyLucarioXD

    All Official B101 Pairing Records

    assigned to roxie Username: ShinyLucarioXD PS! Username: ShinyLucarioXD Signup Format: Scarlet & Violet Never Used Your timezone: CEST (UTC+2) Usual Hours of Availability: Every day from 4pm to 10pm Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I have been a...
  15. ShinyLucarioXD

    CAP 32 - Part 13 - Name Poll 3

    Chardiac Fahrenheart Hemogoblin