Recent content by Rajah

  1. hapey bathrdo

    hapey bathrdo
  2. tailwind / roost / sleep talk work as well, but WoW cripples stuff that might wanna come in like...

    tailwind / roost / sleep talk work as well, but WoW cripples stuff that might wanna come in like Hippo and friends
  3. and yes it was partly inspired by that other triple sash team you see everywhere on the ladder

    and yes it was partly inspired by that other triple sash team you see everywhere on the ladder
  4. hey friend, I made a fun team if you wanna try it out sometime. it's obv not perfect but maybe...

    hey friend, I made a fun team if you wanna try it out sometime. it's obv not perfect but maybe you could help with that
  5. are u alive? am i alive?

    are u alive? am i alive?
  6. all work and no play makes tabuu a dull boy :<

    all work and no play makes tabuu a dull boy :<
  7. you should just add me on skype or something so I know when you're on / you know when I'm on

    you should just add me on skype or something so I know when you're on / you know when I'm on
  8. ooh, someone's been naughty. ツ mind if I ask why though?

    ooh, someone's been naughty. ツ mind if I ask why though?
  9. OU is so broken these days... OU is so broken these days...
  10. the 100th best pokemon player OF ALL TIME!! the 100th best pokemon player OF ALL TIME!!
  11. probably. I stole some fun new teams btw. q:J

    probably. I stole some fun new teams btw. q:J
  12. true new alt ツ

    true new alt ツ
  13. ;]

  14. on showdown rn brahh

    on showdown rn brahh
  15. okay, will when i can

    okay, will when i can