Recent content by Jer

  1. Jer

    [Gen 6-8] Eisen's Breeding-Ready Ditto Army

    I'd honestly take an all 31, was a bit of a toss up what I wanted to ask for. The 30's just sounded nifty. Thanks either way, rad thing you've got going on here <3 Thanks you so much <3
  2. Jer

    [Gen 6-8] Eisen's Breeding-Ready Ditto Army

    Need this on my 6th gen OR game please. Pokemon Requested: All30's @Ability Capsule IGN: Jer Deposit: Porygon lvl36 Note: BIG Thnaks
  3. Jer

    Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 49 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

    I need starters for my Omega Ruby game. With Hidden Abilities would be extra great.
  4. Jer

    Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 49 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

    Looking for HA Starters for my OR game. Don't really have much of value to trade quite honestly, just starting this addiction all over again.
  5. Jer

    Magus' Castle - Alola version [CLOSED]

    The Xerneas looks great. CMT for it
  6. Jer

    Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 44 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

    LF: A decent Xerneas, preferably Rash or Mild for mixed set.
  7. Jer

    lucariojr's smorgen trade thred: the resettening

    lol ok. I can trade whenever you're ready.
  8. Jer

    Jebus Christ's Holy Trade Thread [PLS LOCK :( ]

    Alright, I've finished the training. Let me know when you want them back.
  9. Jer

    Jebus Christ's Holy Trade Thread [PLS LOCK :( ]

    I'm ready now
  10. Jer

    Jebus Christ's Holy Trade Thread [PLS LOCK :( ]

    Yes, I can do that.
  11. Jer

    lucariojr's smorgen trade thred: the resettening

    I could do that. Where does that name come from?
  12. Jer

    Jebus Christ's Holy Trade Thread [PLS LOCK :( ]

    CMT for Shiny Chespin please :)
  13. Jer

    lucariojr's smorgen trade thred: the resettening

    CMT for the Shiny Timid Raikou.