Recent content by God.

  1. How are you faring in the current economic situation?

    very poorly. for about a year and a half my mom was unemployed and i was paying most of the bills with my shitty <$8/hr part time job, heavily supplemented with credit card debt. this february was an especially bad month because my store closed and i was laid off and her car got repossessed so...
  2. What do you think about Wal Mart??

    is this post a joke. what is more greedy than a bunch of spoiled rich kids who never had to work a day in their lives(the walton family) trying to stop workings from negotiating a livable wage? finding out exactly HOW economical walmart is to consumers would be an interesting task. certainly...
  3. Prop 8: Great riddance, or GREATEST riddance?

    if anyone can explain to me how this makes ANY bit of sense at all i will be astonished. i dont think any advocates of gay marriage also propose the abolition of ***"TRADITIONAL"*** marriage.
  4. The Internet Bill

    kid 50 dollars a month is nothing working a 9.50 an hour job(shit thats a good min. wage). realize how easy you have it and just pay the damn bill, maybe learn some responsibility and some minuscule life experience.
  5. Good Books?

    was reading godel escher bach, it was interesting for the most part and lots of fun at times but for some reason half way through i lost the desire to read any more of it. still i'd recommend it, it's something different at least. no real idea how to describe it.
  6. Shirley Sherrod Fired

    obama 'couldn't pass healthcare'(whatever that means, god knows its impossible to tell what someone actually means when they talk about obama as related to healthcare these days) because he is a weak american liberal and the democrats are a bunch of bumbling fools. deck knight is completely...
  7. Gen needs your help

    male white 20 lower harleysville, pa, us gilbertsville, pa, us in college just in a community college right now($$ and i slacked off way too much in high school to be eligible for any scholarships), should be able to transfer to a pretty good 4 year next year though apathetic i have a strange...
  8. Utah senator Chris Buttars wants to cut 12th grade & school buses.

    And what exactly about primary education? The idea that high school students could get a job or a loan to obtain a private education in lieu of 12th grade is naive enough. The entirety of the earnings of any job that a high school students could get could easily be eaten away by bills, rent...
  9. Affirmative Action is Racist

    well for one your math seems to be interesting. also considering that jim crow laws extended into the NINETEEN SIXTIES slavery being abolished is largely irrelevant. the idea behind affirmative action isn't that minorities need extra 'help' because they are less skilled. it is a recognition...
  10. Ben Bernanke: Time's 2009 Person of the Year

    oh my god a prominent public figure is trying to use a popular medium to promote her message to more people. is this what our country has become.........
  11. Your Favourite Song of all time!

    i guess right now i'd have to say BAD GIRL by LEE MOSES damn thats funky
  12. What's your favorite book? Why?

    a wild sheep chase - haruki murakami - the ironic detachment in the middle of bizarre circumstances is wonderfully done and extremely funny. theres just something about this book that i find endearing, making it my favorite murakami. cathedral - raymond carver(short story collection but...
  13. What's your favorite movie???

    not gonna try to rank them but here's the ones that are pretty much in a class of their own for being my favorites:::: SEVEN SAMURAI(1954, Akira Kurosawa) Yeah, enough has been written about this film for the past 5 million years and not much more has to be said. It deserves all the acclaim...
  14. Money from Nowhere

    The curriculum of public schools is certainly a problem, although I'm sure we're both thinking of vastly different reasons and solutions for and of that problem, but just changing what public schools teach still won't mean much if nothing is done to address the root causes of why children in...
  15. Money from Nowhere

    Uh, yeah, I was just using first-generation millionaires as an example because it was brought up. Brought up in the context that they were self made to support the claim that all rich people "earned" their money and were responsible for their own success. But the same source that shows that...