Recent content by barbie rockstar

  1. barbie rockstar

    ty man

    ty man
  2. barbie rockstar

    Tournament LCWC III - Signups

    Name: Barbie rockstar Tiers Played: SS/sub Primary Eligibility (US/Canada: State/Province/Territory, Others: Country): France Secondary Eligibility (US/Canada: State/Province/Territory, Others: Country): - Interested in Captaincy?: no Significant Time Missed: no
  3. barbie rockstar

    samedi vers 16h gmt +2 ? (11h gmt-4)

    samedi vers 16h gmt +2 ? (11h gmt-4)
  4. barbie rockstar

    Tournament ZUPL III - Player Signups

    playee name: barbie rockstar timezond: gmt+2 tiers interested in playing: SS but up to play other ones if given teams Any Significant Time Missed? (Y/N): N
  5. barbie rockstar

    ca roule pour demain

    ca roule pour demain
  6. barbie rockstar

    all good for me see you then

    all good for me see you then
  7. barbie rockstar

    i'm gmt +2 available my time from 1 to 3p.m and from 9 p.m in the evening

    i'm gmt +2 available my time from 1 to 3p.m and from 9 p.m in the evening
  8. barbie rockstar

    today same hours as mentionned previously

    today same hours as mentionned previously
  9. barbie rockstar

    avajlable under barbie rockstar, feel free to chall

    avajlable under barbie rockstar, feel free to chall
  10. barbie rockstar

    yo we're paired for zu, wanna play tommorow ? i'm gmt ,+2 available from 1 to 4 p.m and 9 to...

    yo we're paired for zu, wanna play tommorow ? i'm gmt ,+2 available from 1 to 4 p.m and 9 to 11:30p.m my time for next few days