Recent content by AliasBot

  1. AliasBot

    CAP 19 CAP 19 - Part 10 - Name Poll 3

    Plasmanta Faradray
  2. AliasBot

    CAP 19 CAP 19 - Part 10 - Name Poll 2

    Plasmanta Stingwave
  3. AliasBot

    CAP 19 CAP 19 - Part 10 - Name Poll 1

    Plasmanta Stingrai Mercuray Stingwave
  4. AliasBot

    CAP 19 CAP 19 - Part 8 - Art Poll 1

    paintseagull Magistrum Hollymon Birkal Dracoyoshi8
  5. AliasBot

    CAP 19 CAP 19 - Part 7 - Secondary Ability Poll 2

    Vital Spirit / Insomnia Sap Sipper
  6. AliasBot

    CAP 19 CAP 19 - Part 4 - Primary Ability Poll 1

    Sap Sipper Storm Drain Static Water Absorb
  7. AliasBot

    CAP 19 CAP 19 - Part 1 - Concept Poll 2

    Yilx DetroitLolcat
  8. AliasBot

    Sticky Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire

    I'm betting if Sableye did get Wonder Guard, it would also get a type-change - Ghost/Rock, to fit with the addition of the giant gemstone. (Could also be Rock/Dark, but the two attacks the intro showed it using were Ghost attacks, so it would make more sense for it to keep Ghost.) It would fit...
  9. AliasBot

    CAP 18 CAP 18 - Part 11 - Sprite Poll 1

    Umbreonage Quanyails
  10. AliasBot

    CAP 18 CAP18 - Part 9 - Non-Attacking Moves Poll

    Allow Substitute Disallow Roar Disallow Whirlwind
  11. AliasBot

    CAP 18 CAP 18 - Part 10 - Name Poll 2

    Vampyro Krakentoa Inkubus Insquidious (RIP, Infernacle)
  12. AliasBot

    CAP 18 CAP 18 - Part 10 - Name Poll 1

    Inkubus Vampyro Sanguid Inkferno Hydracula Insquidious Krakentoa Infernacle Three names that are clever, roll off the tongue, and look like they fit the design (the names I'll keep voting for in later rounds, in other words), plus a few other names that I still my name.